More Kisses Mod #3 + Bonus Sad Hug
More Kisses Pack 3 is finally ready! This new pack adds 2 new kissing animations. This time I've also included a sad hug animation. This is not romantic and can be used by any sim. This set of animations was also made in collaboration with Utoypa CC who worked on the animations. They make a lot of fun different animations. Check out their work because it is truly incredible!
This pack brings three new animations. More Kisses is now in a different pie menu category. Once you click on Romance, you will find it under "Physical Intimacy"
Searing Kiss 👇
Frenzied Kiss 👇
If you are familiar with More Kisses then you know that there are moodlets that happen after the kiss, I have now added a bunch of new moodlets over 30 and there can also be negative moodlets. I have also fixed the problem where every time after a kiss sims would get the first kiss moodlet.
Finally, the soothing snuggle interaction has been something I have wanted in the game for so long. This interaction will be available to a sim who is close to another sim with, at least an 80+ friendship score and if the targetsim is sad.
The sim will comfort the other sim by hugging them. Let me know what you guys think about having interaction for different situations.
Soothing Snuggle 👇
Known Bugs
The only thing I have noticed so far is if you want to run this animation, try to run it alone without anything else in the queue, that is how it will work best. I would appreciate reports on any bugs that may arise.
Credits Thank you to the pancake1 for their s4animtools this was so life-changing when it came to making animations available in-game! Big thanks to Utoypa CC who always makes the best animations!
Requirements? You need: XML Injector The Mood Pack (If your UI disappears or there are UI issues after you play an animation with a mod it is because the mood pack isn't properly installed or installed at all. Please make sure you make note of this.) More Kisses Mod #1 (Not necessary if you download the All-In-One version) BG Compatible
Future Plans and Updates More interactions. Once I create more animations I will make the selectable interactions option.
How to install the mod?
Choose the All-in-One Download or download More Kisses #1 Mod for this pack to work. Be sure to also redownload #2 if you want it in your game. I have updated More Kisses #1 and #2 for the latest patch so redownload it, to get the latest version.
Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods <--- Place the package file here.
If your UI disappears or there are UI issues after you play an animation with a mod it is because the mood pack isn't properly installed or installed at all. Please make sure you make note of this.
Public April 7th
Hi! Is the soothing snuggle supposed to be romantic? In the mod description it said it was not romantic and that any sim could do it. The mom hugged her sad daughter in my game (with the soothing snuggle), the dad witnessed it and acted like she cheated...with their
when will be free the mod kiss 3 in the patron?